Cosmetic Dentistry

Ceramic Veneers

Ceramic veneers are a thin ceramic or other ceramic layer that covers the front surface of the teeth to alter their shape, colour and appearance. Ceramic veneers offer excellent aesthetics, success rates and durability, however require a thin layer of enamel to be removed from the original tooth surface in order for the veneer to be fitted to the tooth and are difficult to repair if chipped. Ceramic veneers are custom made by a laboratory from a model of the prepared teeth, then bonded to the tooth using a dental cement at a following appointment.

Direct Composite Resin Veneers

Tooth-coloured filling material (composite resin) is applied as a layer directly to the tooth by the dentist in one appointment. This treatment differs from ceramic veneers as no removal of enamel tooth structure is necessary, and the treatment can be more affordable. Composite resin veneers can discolour and wear over time and replications can be less accurate than ceramic veneers, however they are easier to repair.

Indirect Composite Resin Veneers

The tooth is prepared in a similar way to ceramic veneers and an impression is taken. The lab makes a thin shell of composite resin that has been heat treated to improve its physical properties, which is cemented onto the teeth at the next visit.
Your dentist can discuss whether your teeth are suitable for veneers, and which type of veneers are best for you.

With all veneers it is important to maintain meticulous oral hygiene. Brushing to the gum line with fluoridated toothpaste twice daily, and once daily flossing is recommended to prevent staining around the veneer margins.


A crown is made to ‘cap’ or completely cover a damaged or decayed tooth to protect it and prevent further breakage. They can be made from metal (such as gold), ceramic or a combination of both. Crowns made with ceramic can usually be closely matched to the colour of your natural tooth. The natural tooth, including any fillings, are trimmed back to create space for the crown, which is like a shell that fits over the tooth. The crown is made by a laboratory from a model of the prepared tooth. While the crown is being made the dentist will place a temporary crown on the area to protect the tooth, until it can be permanently cemented.


Another option if you have a missing tooth is to ‘bridge’ the gap with a dental bridge. The false tooth (pontic) is held in place by crowns on the teeth on either side of the gap. The steps involved in preparing for a bridge are similar to that of a crown. The adjoining teeth are prepared appropriately and impressions are taken so that the lab can make 2 crowns for the teeth with the false tooth in the middle attached for both.

Tooth Whitening into Cosmetic Dentistry

Tooth whitening (‘bleaching’) is the use of bleaching agents to lighten the colour of the teeth. Teeth may become discoloured due to aging, poor oral hygiene resulting in plaque and tartar build-up, certain medicines, or surface staining from things such as smoking, coffee, tea or red wine.  We offer in-chair whitening or take-home kits for self-application. An assessment by your dentist is required to assess your suitability for tooth whitening.

It is not recommended to undertake any tooth whitening whilst pregnant or breastfeeding. Tooth whitening is generally not recommended for children.


Monday - Friday 8am - 6pm
Saturday 8am - 2pm
Sunday Closed


Bella Dental Care
Atlas Building at Norwest (Next to Virgin Gym)
106/2-8 Brookhollow Ave,
Norwest NSW 2153

Phone: (02) 9659 8333
